
CAN You Imagine? Cansculptures Rise at Park Place Mall

Canstruction offers a new and fun way to see canned food. Hundreds of cans of tuna stack to make a Loch Ness Monster rising from a sea of blue colored cans and water bottles. A legendary Kraken swirls and nears a boat made of canned pork and beans nestled among bagged rice and Great Northern Beans. Silvery cans of peas form the face of a jackalope against a dark background of canned Sloppy Joe sauce. Canned green beans and black beans tower to an impressive height and become the solar dragon Solarastra. You can see them all at Park Place Mall through July 10th.

Canstruction takes creativity, planning, and ingenuity. The four teams who stepped up this year were asked to build a mythical creature. Judges will award honors for categories like Best Meal, Best Use of Labels, and Best Original Design. But YOU get to decide who wins the People’s Choice Award! All cans will be donated to the Community Food Bank after the display ends.