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Women’s History Month


Women's history month collage as featured image for blog post

At the Community Food Bank, you don’t need history books to find stories of women who have accomplished great things. There are women all around us doing impactful work that improves people’s lives in practical and, yet, very profound ways. So for Women’s History Month, we asked women at the food bank to tell us a little about themselves and the women in history they admire most. This is what they told us…

The Community Food Bank empowers women like me…

This is a theme that runs through many of the responses we received from employees and clients. Cris breaks it down beautifully…

My role at the food bank empower women by…

Staying true to her name, Clare draws very clear lines of empowerment between her job and the Thriving Communities Grant.

I’m most proud of raising my children…

I’m most proud of my life…

Beth, Associate Director of Caridad Community Kitchen, started her life over at age 52. Find out why it’s the one thing she’s done that she’s most proud of.

Women have lifted me up long the way…

Griselda, Nogales Warehouse Operations & Nogales Resource Center Manager, has worked for the Community Food Bank for over a decade. Find out how other women helped her get where she is today.

I would love to have dinner with these great women…

Some women chose regular everyday women and others chose household names like Frida Kahlo and Harriet Tubman. They all made wonderful choices that reveal something special about each of them.

Blanca Limón, Financial Grants Administrator, who works with numbers, made a very fitting choice…

Erin Glockner, VP of Strategic Initiatives, would sit down to tell someone special about the life of their daughter, and their daughter’s daughter and their daughter’s daughter’s daughter…

I’m proud of my work and the food bank…

Sandie Hinojos, Community Organizing Supervisor, has worked at the Community Food Bank for 22 years. Find out why she’s so proud of her time at the food bank…

See the full playlist on Youtube.