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Who’s on Your Team for #HungerWalk2023?

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#HungerWalk is such a great way to show up for your community.

One of the things we love to see are the teams that people form.

These can be families, friends, people from school, any group that wants to join the fight to end hunger.

The Del Webb Dove Mountain Walkers are a group of neighbors who walk a three-mile loop in their area. This is their third year in a row joining us as virtual walkers, and Dave, team captain, says he loves to see how generous people are. So far, the 40 members of the team have raised more than $4300!

Families often make great teams. Rosaesther’s team honors her memory every year walking to remember this special girl who said, “I want the world to give and be courteous to one another.”

We see some fabulous spirit and drive in many teams, and a great originality as well. Some of our favorite team names this year: Kicking Asphalt, Goudafellas,  Nutrition Ninjas and CFB Walka Walka Volunteers.

Sign up as a team at

and bring your group to #Hungerwalk2023!