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Join Forces with your Letter Carriers to Stamp Out Hunger


top banner collage of letter carriers.

Summer is around the corner in Southern Arizona, and that means it’s time to Stamp Out Hunger! On May 11th our letter carriers will get behind the wheel of our biggest food drive of the year, a day when our community comes together in an extraordinary display of generosity and commitment to fighting food insecurity.

Stamp Out Hunger isn’t just another food drive—it’s a lifeline, our biggest annual event that fuels the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona’s ability to meet a growing demand for emergency food throughout the summer months. And it’s all thanks to the incredible commitment of our local letter carriers who go above and beyond to make a difference.

“We appreciate letter carriers working extra hard on May 11th,” says Malea Chavez, CEO of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. “This food drive is so important to us and it all starts with a letter carrier at your mailbox picking up your donation. It’s a great example of the community coming together to make good things happen.”

Malea Chavez, CEO of the Community Food Bank, will visit local post offices on May 11th to lend a hand.


Picture this: postal carriers weaving through neighborhoods, not only delivering mail but also collecting bags upon bags of non-perishable food items left by generous residents. It’s a testament to the strength of our community when we unite for a common cause.

Last year we raised over 210,000 lbs. of food thanks to the generosity of our community and the extra effort put forth by our postal workers to bring it all together. This year, our goal is to raise 250,000 lbs. of food. We’re confident that we can get there with your support.

But Stamp Out Hunger isn’t just about the sheer volume of donations—it’s about the quality too. We urge you to consider donating healthy food options, items that you would proudly serve to your own family. Think nutritious staples like the following:

Most needed non-perishable food items

Why is Stamp Out Hunger so crucial? Because it sustains us. It sustains the food bank, but more importantly, it provides meals to individuals and families during times of hardship. As the demand for food assistance continues to grow, so does our determination to meet it head-on. Stamp Out Hunger is our chance to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry, especially during the summer months when resources can be stretched thin.

So, how can you get involved? It’s simple. On May 11th, hang a bag of non-perishable food items from your mailbox for your letter carrier to collect. Every can, every box, and every contribution adds up to make a significant impact. And, you can sign up to volunteer! Spread the word, rally your neighbors, and let’s make this year’s Stamp Out Hunger drive the most successful yet.

Together, we can #StampOutHunger in Southern Arizona. Join us on May 11th as we harness the power of our community to build a healthy, hunger-free tomorrow.

Find out more about Stamp Out Hunger 2024.

To sign up to volunteer go to and look for NALC (National Association of Letter Carrier) opportunties.