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Arizona Gives Day is April 4th!

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April 4th is Arizona Gives Day! We hope to raise $125,000 in this 24-hours of online giving. With the help of your donations, we can continue our work providing food and resources to families hit hard by rising food prices.

Grocery costs have gone up 11.3% from January 2022 to January 2023, and are projected to continue to increase. Higher food costs have a big impact when the household budget is already tight. 

Our Local Food Pathways team works hard to make fresh, local food accessible to everyone, while building a stronger economy for local food producers. 

The Santa Cruz River Farmers’ Market is set up every Thursday from 3-6pm at 221 S. Avenida del Convento, where people can use SNAP benefits (food stamps) to buy fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. The market also offers #DoubleUpSNAP; families using SNAP benefits get double the amount of produce for free!

We imagine a future where every person has access to the nutritious food they need. Let’s make it happen, together.

Donate now – you can schedule your AZ Gives Day donation at