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Hosting a Food Drive

Food drives are essential to our work! The food you collect is more than a box of non-perishables—it’s dinner for a family who would otherwise go without. Organize a food drive at your school or office, make it a contest between neighbors, or celebrate a special occasion by collecting donations.

Looking to drop off a food donation? We have several collection sites across town.

Setting Up a Food Drive is Easy!

  1. Complete the form below.
  2. Check out our Food Drive Manual for all the details on getting started and making your food drive successful.
  3. We’ll get you started with a food collection box, posters, and other materials.
  4. Run the food drive for as long as you’d like—we recommend two to four weeks.
  5. When your food drive is over, please call us at (520) 449-8336 or email us to schedule a food pick-up. For donations under 100lbs, we request that you bring your donation to one of our food drop-off locations.
  6. Smile—you just made a difference in our community!

Host a Food Drive

Please select the Community Food Bank location you are collecting for(Required)
Primary Contact Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Preferred method of contact
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Food donation box delivery & pick-up preferences
Are you interested in hosting an online "Virtual Food Drive" fundraiser?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Host a Virtual Drive

Can’t collect food donations in person? Want to make a difference from a distance? Learn about hosting a virtual food drive.